Live with Love & Purpose

With my support, you will dismantle old beliefs that have kept you stuck, discover your true self, and live with love, light, purpose, and hope every day.

Do you feel trapped in darkness and despair, constantly seeking love and external validation, never feeling good enough, and using addictive substances to feel more comfortable living in your own skin?

I will help you become comfortable in your own identity, find your true self, and experience peace and healing so you can live the thriving, abundant life you were meant to live!

Hi there,

I’m Jean. I’m a Certified Adult Chair® Coach who supports individuals feeling lost, struggling with depression or anxiety, battling sexual identity issues, and getting stuck in the cycle of addictions. My soul purpose is LOVE and LIGHT – to support people in finding hope, freedom, and a purpose for living and to end the traumatic effects of shame and embarrassment. Together, we won’t stop until you experience personal FREEDOM and inner PEACE.

The Adult Chair Method

Through The Adult Chair® model, you will experience healing, embrace feelings of connection and community, and feel unconditionally loved, accepted, worthy, wanted, protected, and hopeful. Together, we won’t stop until you experience FREEDOM!


In some of my darkest moments of despair, I questioned my own reason for living. Living with anxiety and depression often made me feel ashamed and disconnected from the rest of the world.  

I’m here today because of the people who provided a guiding light and walked with me through difficult moments. They created a safe space for my healing, awareness, and growth. 

I’m here to be that person for you. Are you ready to heal your mind, body, and spirit and find the love and light within?

One-On-One Coaching

Be guided into an empowered and trusting space with coaching sessions offered globally via Zoom or in person in the North Denver area

Workshops and Live Events

An interactive and hands-on learning experience that will focus on self-awareness, feeling stuck, addictions, and personal growth

Group Coaching

Find community support as you focus on goal setting, deepening awareness around key issues, taking action, and accountability

Hiking and Interactive Groups

Transformative group hiking events that support you in feeling empowered physically while also aiding in your journey of self-discovery

  • Jean, you nailed out session together! There is an ease and calmness about you which created a safe space for me to share personal information. After our session together, I felt motivated to continue my journey of personal growth, and I am more confident that I can handle my emotions appropriately when I feel triggered in the future.


  • Thank you for being you and doing what you do. I am in aww of how much I was able to discover about myself within just one session with you. I love your approach.


  • Thank you for guiding me to find my authentic, joyful, loving inner child. I was able to gain insight into my relationship with my boyfriend and solutions for us to communicate with compassion and understanding. I experienced healing with my inner child, and was able to experience a release from feelings of guilt and shame.


  • Jean has a calming graceful energy about her. During our time together, I felt peaceful, and was able to lay everything out on the table. I loved how freely I was able to communicate with her. I really felt like she understood all of the things happening in my life. She helped me to stay connected to me and my inner child making sure I continue to check in on her. Jean is a phenomenal coach!


It’s time to live confidently – comfortable in your own skin, knowing you are loved and accepted exactly as you are.

I offer a free 30-minute consultation to all new clients. Let’s chat to see if this is the right fit for you!